Domain check


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Our Terms of Service strongly prohibit the use of our services for the following purposes: unlicensed software (warez) distribution; distribution of software designed to hack or bypass software licenses (cracks); hosting sites which spread malware (viruses, Trojans, etc.) and/or the serial numbers of licensed software (serialz); hosting sites directly or indirectly advertised using unsolicited e-mail distribution lists (SPAM, SCAM, posting in guest books, forums, etc.). All the sites that fall under this description will be blocked and deleted without warning and won't be eligible for a refund.

Special offer till the end of November! If you order hosting of any plan for a period of at least 3 months,
we register a domain for you in most popular areas (see list)
for free!

   Would you like to register a nice domain name? - Only on our website you can find a selection of the best recently freed domains.

Special offers in February:

   You can choose one of the following offers when ordering hosting. These offers do not overlap and only one can be chosen.

1) Would you like to receive a domain for free? - Order 3 months or more of hosting and receive a domain free of charge!

   When ordering 3 months of hosting services or more you may register a free domain1 in one of the following zones: ru, рф, com, net, org, biz, info, name, mobi, ws, us,,,,,,,, In this case the discounts for the number of prepaid hosting months are still applicable.

* - For the "Start" service plan a domain may only be registered in one of the following zones:,,,,,,

2) Would you like to switch hosting providers with an already registered domain? - Get a 10% hosting discount!

   When switching service providers and ordering 1 month or more of hosting services with us you are entitled to a 10% discount from the total order price.

Special VIP offers in February:

1) Are you ordering VIP-hosting but don't really want to pay for the domain? - Receive a domain free of charge when ordering any VIP-hosting service plan!

   When ordering 1 month of VIP hosting services or more you may register a free domain1 in one of the following zones: ru, рф, com, net, org, biz, info, name, mobi, ws, us,,,,,,,, In this case the discounts for the number of prepaid VIP hosting months are still applicable.

2) )Switching VIP-hosting providers? - Get a 10% VIP-hosting discount!

   When switching service providers and ordering 1 month or more of VIP hosting services with us you are entitled to a 10% discount from the total order price.

1 - When ordering a hosting plan of 3 months or more only 1 (one) domain is provided free of charge. Please check the "Special offers" section of the "Hosting" pages for the list of domain zones that may be provided free of charge when ordering a hosting plan. The content of this list may be changed at any time without prior notice.

2 - Domain renewal in the .RU or .SU zone is free of charge only when being transferred to LLC "Domain Registrar Reg.Ru" (REGRU-REG-RIPN) to contract "Hosting operator"" Ltd. (hosting operator Domain renewal in .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .mobi zones is carried out only when transferring it to the Directi registrar. We do not currently offer free domain renewals in other zones. A support ticket from the client stating the name of the domain up for renewal is required for the free domain renewal service.

Prices are VAT exclusive (20%). Prices are shown in Euros.